Sunday, July 19, 2009

Comin' Round the Mountain

Our living a few boxes...
We were at the house for about 10 minutes when we heard a loud engine and wondered where we'd heard that before. Then we saw it...our shipping container! We emptied it in a few hours. It's amazing how much easier it is to move into a house with no stairs! Opening each box is like Christmas in July. We are having such fun making our Kaneohe Kottage our home sweet home. We're very blessed, very blessed indeed. We have two bedrooms and one "Quiet Room" which will also be a guest room. In a family of six, there needs to be a refuge from the chaos. We are also blessed with a large car port that will be used as a lanai (outdoor room) and the view of the mountains and valleys and trees from there is my favorite. Our neighborhood is quite safe we're told. Yesterday, as we were getting hungry and tired, our next-door neighbors came to meet us and they brought home made banana bread and fresh cut pineapple. Everyone assumes that newbies at this time of year are military folks. (We are...just with a different army.) It's nice to work for a place like Trinity Christian School because everyone knows who you are and what you're about when you tell them what you do. Upon hearing that we work for TCS, our neighbor said, "Oh, that means you must love the Lord." They've been praying for a Christian family to move in; someone who could play with their 4 kids, ages 17 to 9...sound familiar? They homeschool using a...get this...classical and Christian curriculum. God scares me sometimes. The details that He has been so careful to work out are a testament to His love and care. We forget that so easily. Someone commented today this must be hard on the kids. By God's grace, they all disagree. It was hard to say good-bye, but this blog and Facebook and other internet goodies make that easier. It was hard to trust God for all the details and trust that we were following Him and not some middle-age crisis. But it hasn't been hard on them. They, like us, feel like we're walking through a movie without a script. The Director's presence and direction is very clear. The supporting cast is always right on cue. The props, the scenery keep changing, but the plot is thickening. And we can't wait to see how it unfolds.
The kids lugged these volcanic rocks out from under the house and lined them up along the edge of the garden. Much nicer than the previous plastic landscaping edge.


  1. Very happy to be able to follow the journey blog!I am so glad to hear of your new neighbors! Emma thinks of Lydia every day.

  2. And Lydia thinks of Emma every day, too. Thanks for your note in our mail box. What a sweet thought that was. Miss you.

  3. Wow what an adventure! So happy you and the family are getting settled. Your top 10 list made me laugh out loud!!! You are going to be missed more than you know. Don't be surprised to one day answer a knock on your front door and find the PARKER's standing there for a visit! Take care and keep posted so us east coasters can live wishfully through the Collins family.

    Many Blessings!

    Lisa Parker
